Opinion & Analysis

August 2, 2012
A Twitter Moment with Africa’s Straight Shooter: George Ayittey

A Twitter Moment with Africa’s Straight Shooter: George Ayittey

During the past five years of my stay in the United States, I have come across different members of the African diaspora who are passionate about the future of the continent. I’ve talked to ambitious educated individuals who’ve expressed their determination to one day go back and contribute. On the contrary, I’ve also come across... Read more »

July 29, 2012
A Growing Case of Shooting the Messenger: Africa Coverage

A Growing Case of Shooting the Messenger: Africa Coverage

You’ve come across this. I’m sure of it. Imagine watching an important speech about something groundbreaking and getting interrupted by an annoying comment about what the speaker is wearing instead of what he is saying. If you’re an active social media user like I am, you probably have seen what I call the “snark bombers”... Read more »